The Visual Piano is Published!

There are no lack of good instruction books on piano playing. What makes this book special is its visual approach to learning the instrument. We all know it is easy to start playing with C major on the piano (all white keys). One starts to get uncomfortable when black keys are progressively added.

However, we can’t be playing only the white keys. As we strive to improve we have to embrace all keys, to create the music we love.

The visual approach aims to help you recognise the basic intervals on the piano. Intervals are the building blocks of scales and harmony. Having ‘internalised’ the intervals, the next step is to relate intervals in the chords using symbols. As this method is key agnostic, once mastered you will be treating the black and white keys all the same, literally transposing music in all 12 keys.

What seems like a shortcut to learning the piano is distilled information from years of practice and refinement. It is suited to late starters who want to learn the piano in the most efficient and practical way, without compromising on musical knowledge. Like any method, it requires a high level of comprehension and a commitment to practice. In the end, there really is no shortcut to mastering the king of all instruments!

Packed with illustrations and an accompanying website with YouTube video, the book is selling at SGD 19.00 (includes local postage). Please call/ WhatsApp 9695 9776 or visit to get a copy.

The Visual Piano is Published!

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